i can't travel often but i love theme parks and roller coasters so very much !!
you can see all the coasters i've been on to the left there !!
  • most recently went to kennywood !!
  • planning on visiting dorney park, nickelodeon universe, and knoebels in the near future !!
  • favorite coaster is phantom's revenge at kennywood !!
  • favorite park is hersheypark !! super great coaster lineup with a beautiful atmosphere !!


rhythm games are my BREAD AND BUTTER !! my favorite rhythm games are guitar hero / rock band, sound voltex, sayonara wild hearts, project diva, wacca, and groove coaster !!!

the guitar hero series is something i have loved my whole life, and it will always be my favorite. this game shaped who i am, playing the very first one on ps2 when i was a little puppy. my music taste was directly influenced by these games and i consider them to be such a gateway into expanding your music palette. my favorite will always be guitar hero 1, but you can't go wrong with rock band 2, guitar hero 3, or guitar hero: warriors of rock! i am currently working on a guitar hero / rock band full game collection, and i have an ongoing collection of controllers for the series. (see pictures!)

the custom controller you see myself holding on the left is the Fagocaster!!!! it's a gutted guitar hero 5 xbox 360 controller with a retrocultmods pi pico kit installed inside. it features fresh LED fret switches, new strum switches, a new custom joystick, and console authentication to allow it to be used on any console, plus fortnite festival! this thing is my baby. if you are interested in guitar controller modding, hit me up, i'd love to tell you more!

most recently, fortnite festival has released !! while i have mixed feelings about live service games as a whole (fuck corpos!), i am so excited and happy to have a new project in development by harmonix. the future of this game is so exciting, and as such i've been playing it nonstop! i'm so excited to see how the game grows, and will be going crazy once a proper ranked mode drops. thanks for listening!


if you don't know, halley labs is the musical project of artist emma essex that has been steadily ongoing since the early 2000s. you may recognize it from its previous iteration "lapfox trax" ! my good friend niaco introduced me to her work in late december 2022, and i have been fucking HOOKED ever since. (thank you so much, you wonderful, wonderful dog.)
halley labs is composed of many different aliases spanning nearly every musical genre under the sun, with focuses on electronica, rave shit, and lofi jams. i am currently on a journey to listen to everything in her over 300-release discography.

looking to get into halley labs? here are some recommendations!

Ancient Artifact ARGÓS-CCCIII
Rotteen, 2014
★ Dopefish

The Recovery of the Absolute Artifact
Rotteen, 2015
★ Rave N' Roll